United States Army - Honorable Discharge
Last Military Assignment

U.S. Army Forensic and Second Field

Hospital, Germany

Forensic Laboratory Technician

Colonel Michael Whelan/Captain Raymond

Specialized Training in Questioned Documents

Internship - Document Trainee under tutelage of

FORENSISCHE (GFS)/Association of Freelancing

Training involved various aspects of questioned

books and existing professional papers. Research projects and completing numerous practical exercises. and identification of handwriting, hand-printed numbers,typewriting, stamp impressions, photocopies, paper, inks and writing instruments, detection of erasures, alterations,

and latent fingerprint development.
Additional Training

United States Army Photography and Projectional School-

Munich, Germany.
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

(recommended by Col. Michael Whalen - U.S. Army)

Pathology and Neurology technician.

in handwritten identification. I was engaged in a research program which consisted of handwriting studies on patients

This research was to establish the effect of handwriting prior,

Further research was conducted in both the pre and postoperative stages of lobotomy’s, trauma and other neurological physiological effects of handwriting (e.g. shock, fear, mood,
Employed as an Investigator/Security with various investigative services.

Continued study in the field of questioned documents.
1975 Licensed as a New York State Private Investigator. Founded, All City 

Investigations and Forensic Services, Inc.
1977-1981 Associated with Vincent J. Scalice, retired Detective N.Y.P.D. Continued 

study in questioned document examination, forensic photography and 

latent fingerprint examination with Vincent Scalice.
1988-1993 Studied under the tutelage of Felix Klein (Manhattan Handwriting

I continue to study and research in the field of questioned documents and handwriting identification and keeping documents and handwriting identification and keeping abreast of periodicals, books and literature published by experts and agency’s authority. I have visited government and private questioned document laboratories to observe
August, 1986
International Association For Identification

a) Study of mental aptitude while writing under stress

b) Use of Video Spectral Comparator (Lt. Josey, Escambia
Sheriff’s Office)

c) Questioned Document Photography (S.A. Sanders, U.S.)

e) Counterfeit and altered credit card (Darryll Marshall,
April 1, 1987
Tri-State Legal Photographers

Indented writing, watermarks, seals, rubber stamps,

bisecting lines, charred documents, chart preparation

and use of transparencies and over-lays.
January, 1989
Valencia Community College/Orlando, Florida

Ronald M. Dick - Instructor

a) Introduction to the Field of Questioned Documents

b) Conducting the examination of handwriting and hand-printing

c) Examination of signatures

d) Examination of typewriter material

e) Acquisition of special material

f) Miscellaneous document problems

g) Legal aspects of questioned documents

i) Acquisition of exemplars
May, 1989
Evidence Photographers & Tri-State Legal Photography

Close-up Photography of Demonstrative Evidence
May, 1990
Advanced Latent Fingerprint Techniques

FBI SA Tim Trozzi/Felix Bigor

Kodak Photography/Fingerprint Techniques

Latent Fingerprint Workshop
May 7, 1991
Polaroid School of Law Enforcement Imaging - Imaging
June 7-10 1991
Conference of the International Association For 

Identification Fallsview, NY

a) Latent Fingerprint Workshop

Kenneth Zerchie - Connecticut State Police

Luther Dey - Rochester Institute of Technology
July, 1991
International Association for Identification

(76th Annual Education Conference)

Questioned Document Section Program

a) Typewritten Examination

Supervisory Special Agent David W. Attenburger

(Federal Bureau of Investigation)

Deputy Sheriff Don Fandry

(Questioned Document Examiner/Los Angeles County

c) “The Relationship Between Disguised Handwriting and

Years of Formal Education”

“Fraud of a Checking Account”

“Identification of the Altered Number”

“Questioned Document Examination Manual for Investigators

(Marvin Morgan Q.D. - San Antonio, Texas)
June, 1992
International Association for Identification

(77th Annual Education Conference)

Questioned Document Section Program

a) Document Diamonds - Sidney Goldblatt

c) Automated Handwriting Identification - Don Fandry

d) Document Dating by Ink Analysis - John Hargett

e) Signature Comparison Workshop - Don Fandry

f) Alternate Light/Digital Imaging Enhancement Photography

g) Preparation of Court Charts
Dec. 1992 Handwriting Identification and Obtaining Handwriting Exemplars

(William Duane - Connecticut State Police)
Oct. 1993
New Jersey Association (I.A.I.)

Handwriting and Questioned Document examination for Law

(Lt. Glenn Owens - Essex County, N.J.)
April 19, 20,
38th Annual Tri-State Educational (I.A.I.) Conference,
21, 1994
Atlantic City, New Jersey

Latent Fingerprint Techniques - Mitchell Hollars, FBI

3M Fingerprint Visualization Systems - David Weaver

P.C. Based Fingerprint Matching - Det. Roger Brooks, Danbury P.D.
Sept. 1994
National Academy of Forensic Examiners,

Disguised Writing, Longitudinal Case Study of a Heart Attack via

Pre-Juncture Post Hand Writing Specimens, Arabian Writing

Questioned Document Examination, Pen Computing and Digital
April 2-5, 1995
Saratoga NY 39th Annual NY State Conference

a) Evidence Photography - Polaroid Corp.

b) Palm Print Examination - Ron Smith

c) Fingerprint Developing Workshop - John Olenik

d) Behavior Profiting - Lt. J. Edward Grant
March 24-27,
Tri-State 40th Annual Educational Conference

Use of Alternate Light Source

SPEX Forensic Instruments
April 30, 1996
Tri-State Legal Photographers

a) Photography and Demonstrative Evidence

Stephen Wheeler Esq.

b) Photography and Demonstrative Evidence

Larry Shavelson/Close-up photography

c) Documentation of Imprint and Impression Evidence
Kenneth Zerchie/Connecticut State Police

d) Footwear Examination Workshop

Ernest Hamm/Florida P.D.
May 17-18 1998,
42nd Annual Tri-State Identification Conference, (I.A.I.) Albany, New York

Technology Advance in Latent Fingerprint Technology/Dan Foro, D.C.J.S
May 20-23,2001 Tri-State 45th Annual Educational Conference I.A.I. Suffern, New York

Digital Imaging; PC Pro’s - David Witzke

Questioned Document Case Review

Herbert McDonell/Laboratory of Forensic Science

Examination of ink, paper and typewriter utilized to forge a

Examination of knife cutting marks in paper reams. Professional Associations American Board of Forensic Examiners

New York State Division of the International

Association for Identification (Board of Directors)

Licensed Detectives of the New York State

I am presently engaged in a research project involving handwriting

specimens of patients in nursing homes who suffer from Parkinson’s

Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, strokes and other neurological disorders.

18B Panel Assigned Counsel
Nov. 15, 2005
Guest Speaker

New York State Identification Division of the International Association for

Identification Conference - Williams Lake, New York

1993 World Trade Center - Assigned as an expert in the Ramzi Yousef trial.

Written and published an article “The Exemplar” a journal

published by the National Bureau of Document Examiners,

entitled “Restoration and Decipherment of Obliterated
Television Appearances
Nov. 6, 1995
Fox 5 News - “Fake or Not” Autograph Examinations
Nov. 16, 1995
WCBS TV News with Marcia Kramer- “Alteration of Dates On Food” 
Nov. 10, 2001
Americas Most Wanted - “ 1993 World Trade Center Attacks”

Examination of questioned documents/handwriting related to
Reference Library

Numerous books, journals, periodicals, and articles authored

by experts in the field of Questioned Documents, including

Secret Service, F.B.I., Police Departments, autograph books,

and various signature specimens of various sports figures and

I have testified and qualified as a Questioned Document Examiner in Federal, State and
Civil Courts in New York, New Jersey and arbitration’s and Grand Juries.
Present Employment: President/Director - ALL CITY INVESTIGATIONS & FORENSIC SERVICES, INC.
Appointed as Commissioner of Deeds #22690